Medium-size Oblique Spindle High Speed Polishing Machine
@Number of Spindle @4 spindles
@Lower spindle speed @250 ` 1,000 ‚’.‚.‚.@variable
@ior 500`2,000 ‚’.‚.‚.@variablej
@Upper spindle oscillating frequency @30 per minutes fixed
@Upper spindle oscillating stroke @0 ` 40 ‡o.
@Distance between spindles @300 ‡o.
@Timer @multi timer@2pcs.
@Angle of oblique lower spindle @0 ` 30‹i30`60‹jtilting
@Motor @200V@300‚v@8‚o@3phase@2pcs@.(or 750‚v@4P@2pcs.)
@200V@ 40‚v@4‚o@3phase@4pcs.
@Coolant pump @200‚u@ 40‚v@2‚o@3phase@1pcs.
@Abrasive liquid tank @؁250 ‡o.@1pc.
@Dimension @Length@1,690‡o.@Depth@850‡o.@Hight@1,430‡o.
@Weight @450kg.
Specification will be changed for improvement without notice.
1)@The high speed polishing machine with sticking multi-lenses is high
@@ellicient to polish deep dish works.@The oblique spindle type machine
@@is for polishing work larger than lens radius of 16mm. and up to
@@dish diameter of 120 mm.@Oblique spindle can be selected at any angle
@@between 0 ` 30‹

2j@Functions (Lower spindle speed, Work Pressure, Plishing time, Starting
@@button) are controlled by 2 spindles.

3j@Upper spindle is oscillated at the fixed frequency, and tommy-bar can
@@be directed to spherical center.@Work pressure mechanism is designed
@@to pressurize every work equally.

4j@Work pressure si controlled by air.@Tommy-bar is moved to up and down
@@by foot pedal attached on eash spndle.@Polishing time is set by timer
@@(The other tyoe pressurizing work with starting cycle and releasing work
@@by finishing cycle is available.)

5j@Abrasive liquid tank is made of stainless steel and abrasive liquid
@@pump is rust proof and seal treatment and fitted blades for agitating.
@@Uniformity abrasive liquid can be fed with preventing abrasive